Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Since I've been working in Salt Lake, I've been riding the bus. I usually don't mind the bus, but some times it gets old. One of the good things about the bus is it's a great place to watch people. There are some real "personalities", and sometimes they come out in my doodles.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

illustration friday: Detach

Here is a little doodle for illustration friday. I started painting while I was watching the olympics and ended up spending a little more time than I usually do. This one was 3-4 hours in painter. My original idea was going to be someone detaching their head...but that mitght have turned out pretty gross, so with this I left a lot more to your imagination. what do you think?...does this guy really know this trick?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


one of the things I like about having a blog, is occationally you get people that stop by and comment. Lately a couple caricature artists have stopped by and left comments. Caricatre illustration is something I've always liked to look at, but never really tried myself. So I thought I'd give it a is the first effort. I know there are issues with this, and I now realize there is a lot more to this than just exagerating a feature or two...maybe my next try will bring better results. Oh, don't assume that since I picked obama to paint, that I'm some kind of supporter...I'm not impressed with him at all! (wait, I take that back, I am very impressed with how easily he can get people to donate money...) So, now ya know.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Illustration friday: SAIL

Well, here is another for illustration friday, it's nice to have a topic every week... keeps me doing at least a little something. For this topic, I started thinking about sailboats, then ships with sails and pirates, always fun to sneak a pirate in...anyway, this is what I came up with. Hey, there is sails in it, so I didn't completely get off topic.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

illustration friday: Poof!

when I read the topic for this week, I thought of magic and somthing I sketched this magician and painted it up in painter. This was a pretty quick effort and I know it could use a little more time, but I got bored with there ya go.