I can't believe it's Feb '08 already...where does the time go? I didn't post once in Jan...I guess I assumed people have stopped comming by for a look...thanks for the wake up call Jamie. Here are a few from the office drawer...nothing special, but he at least it's something to post...enjoy.
Hippies and synchronized swimmers. You could start a graphic novel based on these characters. If not than the republican and ogre could.
Cool to see you are still having fun.
Finally! I love the hippie, I think that's how Jon would look if he had hair. :)
If this is what you have tucked away in your draw... what do you have outside the draw? these are really nice. :O) And I totally know what you mean about how time seems to fly by. It's amazing that it is 2008 now!!
Nice work, and I love the title of your blog. Not easy trying to find your own original style...
no way, i would look only slightly less cool than I do now if I had hair.
Wow! I had no idea you had that kind of talent! I was thinking about our time in Provo and googled your name which led to me stumbling onto your blog. Very impressive!
Derek Nelson
Fantastic sketches... You should post more frequently or else a bomb will go off under your drafting table.
Okay Lael, it's a new month give us some new material, perhaps little leprechauns or some Easter weirdness or whatever.
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