Thursday, January 06, 2011

Illustration Friday: Resolution

Happy New Year everyone! Since I have such a hard time making and sticking with the resolutions I make for myself, I've decided to start making new years resolutions for others...mostly my kids. Hopefully they'll stick to my resolution to get along better with each other...I know they love each other, but man...sometimes it's hard to tell. Here are a few line illustrations of some kids having a hard time sharing...but it looks like they worked it out in the end. These were done for a phonics reader (like the similar post from several weeks ago) These were done in illustrator.


Ann Pilicer said...

Wonderful illo's. So true! I know just what you mean with kids. But, they will grow up and be best friends and laugh about those times! :D

Dave McClellan said...

Hey Lael, that pretty much looks like my house, except that they would both be boys and there would need to be an extra frame in there where there was a physical altercation. And something destroyed in the background.